Local School Leadership Council
The Central High/Tri-C CDS Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) is a shared decision-making body, composed of elected parents, community members, school faculty & staff, and student body elected officers. The LSLC works cooperatively to make decisions in these areas:
- School calendar
- Professional development schedule
- Budget for instructional materials
- Positive behavior support plan
- Use of some school equipment
Meetings are held via zoom, after school hours.
To access Local School Leadership Council agendas, etc., click on this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQT4OafgqjTgDp86KCVkIfqkcOOwU-lo_812c4T-Gd6hBIxoPqx2Gkp0M5m0lCVt9DN7Q6V0oVpUKAM/pub