Central High School / Tri-C CDS Home

Achieve. Honor. Respect.
students working at their desks

About Us

Welcome to Central High School/Tri-C CDS! We are LAUSD's largest multi-site continuation high school and CDS program. Our students receive engaging and comprehensive A-G standards-based instruction, individualized graduation plans, college counseling, wellness support, and encouragement to explore career and technical education training in a smaller class environment. 

News & Announcements

Join Us for Parent Portal Support!

Click on the headline above to access information for comprehensive parent portal support from our CHS/Tri-C counseling staff. Haga clic en el título de arriba para acceder a información sobre el apoyo integral del portal para padres por parte de nuestro personal de consejería de CHS/Tri-C.


Nov 2

CHS/Tri-C College and Career Fair

Time: 9 AM – 12 PM
Location: Main Office 716 E 14th St. LA 90021

Oct 18

Coffee With the Principal

Time: 8:30 AM – 9 AM
Location: All sites, via Zoom

Oct 17

Great Shakeout

Time: 10 AM – 10:30 AM
Location: All Sites

Virtual Assembly

Time: 11 AM – 11:30 AM
Location: All Sites via Zoom

Oct 15

Staff Professional Development Mtg.

Time: 2 PM – 3 PM
Location: All sites via Zoom
student on computer with two teachers

Our Mission

Central High School/Tri-C is a multi-site, district-wide dropout prevention and credit recovery school. We provide culturally relevant, engaging, student-centered, standards-based instruction that fosters college and career readiness. Our mission is to promote educational and social equity throughout our school; to support foundational skill-building while providing grade-level instruction; to facilitate intellectual and social growth; to rekindle the joy and love of learning; to communicate and collaborate, encouraging dialogue among our constituencies; to nurture social and emotional wellness; to provide a safe, accepting, and supportive setting so that students have the opportunity to creatively explore and clarify their own beliefs and values; to take acceptable academic risks without judgment; and to think and speak for themselves.