School Site Council (SSC) and English Learners Advisory Council (ELAC)
Dear Parents and Families -
We encourage you to make a difference in the governance of our school by participating in this year’s School Site Council (SSC) and English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). These groups are mandated by California Education Code and directed by LAUSD policy. The SSC is mandated under California Education Code 52853 and makes decisions regarding the use of categorical funding for our students based on written recommendations from our school’s English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The SSC represents all our stakeholders and is comprised of teachers, parents/community, other school staff, the principal and students in secondary schools.
ELAC is a committee for parents or other community members who want to advocate for English Learners. The purpose of ELAC is to advise the principal and school staff on programs and services for English learners and the School Site Council (SSC) on the development of the Single School Plan for Student Achievement.
The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is mandated under California Education Code 52176(b). All schools, including Special Education schools, with twenty-one (21) or more English Learner (EL) students are required to establish an ELAC. The ELAC represents parents and legal guardians of EL students, who must constitute at least 51% of the membership; however, if the percentage of EL students in the school is greater than 51%, the percentage of EL parents on the ELAC must match the school’s total EL population. ELAC advises on programs and services for EL students.
State Requirement for ELAC Education Code 52176(b):
All schools with twenty-one (21) or more English Learner (EL) students, not including Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students, are required to establish an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC).
All parents with students attending the school in which the ELAC is established are eligible and should be encouraged to participate in the ELAC.
LAUSD’s Guidelines for Required School and Central Advisory Committees and School Site Councils BUL-6745.0
Please join us for our upcoming monthly meetings throughout the 2023-2024 school year.
For more information, click on the link here
Meetings are held via zoom, after school hours.
In accordance with state Education Code 64001, school districts such as LAUSD shall assure that schools participating in programs funded through the state' s consolidated application process and any other school program they choose to include, will develop a Single Plan for Student Achievement, often referred to as an "SPSA." Central High Tri-C's School Site Council is responsible for the development, annual review, and update of this plan.
The content of the SPSA shall be aligned with goals for improving student achievement and address how funds will be used to improve academic performance. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the instructional program is based on an analysis of verifiable student data, and annual updates will reflect appropriate modifications to the program.
LAUSD is committed to engaging parents in their child’s education. Over 30 years of research confirms the important role of parent involvement in student achievement. Parents are their child’s first and life-long teachers and can influence their child’s education outcomes in powerful and long-lasting ways. The core belief that parents are our partners is the foundation for the District’s overarching policy on parent engagement and is reinforced through its Title I Parent Involvement Policy and school-level parent involvement policies.
To access the Central High School Tri-C CDS Parent Involvement Policy, click here.