Our School » Central High/Tri-C CDS

Central High/Tri-C CDS


Central High/Tri-C CDS is an urban, continuous enrollment, alternative education school. The school offers 9th-12th grade education within two components: Central High School (a continuation school) and Tri-C CDS (a community day school).

As a dropout prevention program, Central High/Tri-C CDS is the largest multi-site Educational Options school in LAUSD, with an enrollment averaging 400 students. Tri-C averages around 300 students.

Students receive individualized graduation plans, a standards-based A-G curriculum, college counseling, and support to explore career and technical education training in a smaller class environment. Continuation students (Central High) are required to attend school for 240 minutes per day, and community day students (Tri-C) attend for 360 minutes per day.

Central High/Tri-C CDS is comprised of fifteen campuses located in communities throughout the Los Angeles Unified School District. The classrooms are located on LAUSD school campuses and within the community.

Central High also provides an evening Work Experience Program, serving students who work full-time.

Students are often referred to Central High/Tri-C CDS by schools and various agencies, including the student discipline and expulsion unit of LAUSD, group homes, camp returnee programs, foster care programs, school counselors, and self-referrals based on word-of-mouth.

Central High Tri-C/CDS offers a complete academic program that includes the A - G requirements for high school graduation and admission to college. Upon successful completion of all mandated courses, students earn an LAUSD high school diploma.

The school was granted a full six-year accreditation with a three-year mid-term revisit by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) in 2022. Our Mid-Term Report will take place during the 2024-2025 school year.