ACCEDA al manual para padres y estudiantes 2024-2025 Haga clic en el título para acceder al enlace del Manual para padres y estudiantes del LAUSD 2024-2025.
ACCESS the 2024-2025 Parent-Student Handbook Click the Headline to access the link for the 2024-2025 LAUSD Student-Parent Handbook.
¡SÉ INTELIGENTE EN LAS CALLES EN LAS ESCUELAS! Con el inicio del nuevo año escolar, tenga mucho cuidado en las zonas de tráfico alrededor de las escuelas. Haga clic en el título de arriba para obtener más información.
BE STREET SMART AROUND SCHOOLS! With the start of the new school year, be extra-aware in traffic zones around schools. Click on the headline above for more information.
Check Out our Latest Mental Health Newsletter Thanks to our school-based mental health support team for publishing the September edition of "Mental Health Matters."
Enroll in a Los Angeles Unified School Visit the enrollment portal to enroll your child in a Los Angeles Unified School. See you in school!
Your Mental Wellness is Important Health is an all-encompassing matter and we must take care of our minds just as much as we take care of our bodies.
Make a Plan for Success in School You took the right step by coming to Central High Tri-C., but what can you do to take your hunt for a diploma to the next level?